The Wrong Cornetto. At last.
My animation film is complete!!!
After many days of long hours trying to complete this film to the standard I want from the level that I’m at, I’ve finally completed my film.
The text that have been inserted here between the scenes all have the purpose of setting the atmosphere of the character. Some are meant to both obviously contradict and parallel this apparently stupid looking character, such as the Oscar Wilde and Marie Curie quotes. To me these particular quotes hold some intellectual value that I don't want the character to understand. The text in the middle of the film is meant to say what's on the character's mind as the story develops, reflecting his emotions and sincerest frustrations in order to propel him into the angry frenzy that he has. This was inspired by old silent films that I've seen. The final words at the end are quotes that reflect our modern times and, what i consider to be, the deepest objective reasons for why modern society has turned some of us into these kinds human beings.
I’ve become much better at using Photoshop and Premiere Pro and still learning how to use After Effects.
I learnt better ways to edit film.
I’ve learnt a huge amount about animating and through this medium I’ve been able to explore and develop a big part of my art. Specifically ways of being expressing moods and feelings through extreme facial expressions and slapstick humour.
It’s been a platform to explore first world behaviours and why they occur. However, there are still things I want to explore more about this which will give me something to think about for another project.
The film itself is bright, bold and visually loud.
I am upset that me and Sam were not able to project this film in any way for a large audience. I hoped for it to be a spontaneous set up for people to be surprised by at night when they walked by. Due to several setbacks and lack of permission we weren’t able to do anything as ambitious as this.
In the film itself, I now realise that sound may have been an important thing to explore, even if it was just some basic laughing sounds.
I became to reliant on the visual effects to take over the show. I don’t think it quite packs the punch I hoped. There could be more of a punch if there were at least some sound effects.
I could’ve studied colour little bit more in depth to get a better understanding of how it works when it’s trying to merge with extreme forms and emotions.
I know I could’ve saved myself a lot of time had I acquired the right animation program for the job a bit earlier on. But that was then. Now I’ll know better ways to animate.
I not upset by this though. It’s all a learning curve. From here on out, I’m going to carry on learning new skills on various animation related programs. I also need to improve on my observational skills in terms of being able to draw the figure because gaining a better understanding of something will mean I’ll be able to manipulated better in animation for comedy purposes. Animation principles are something I need to get better at.
I will also play with whatever projection I can do for the last leg I have on this course because I’ve wanted to get my animations out there on the public stage for the purpose of my theme; to take the piss out of people who make a fuss out of nothing. To be brave showing off my art.